Monday 8 August 2016

Man Eating tiger of Bhim Bandh

Man Eating Tigers of Bhim Bandh is a fictional story of true tiger and man encounters in the area where I live. This book was inspired by Jim Corbetts man eating tiger stories. Jim Corbetts stories were real while mine are fiction. I have tried to tell the world about the dangerous lives some of us Indians live because of deforestation. I apologize to my readers for killing the tiger in the end of the story. This is the age of wildlife conservation. I killed the tiger to give the story a fighting finish. I did this to attract young readers to my animal books. Why? Because we all know that a vast majority of young readers like a story with a fighting finish. Today, the young ones are only interested in science fiction and adventurous stories of outer space and aliens. To hell with the aliens. Our forest cover is disappearing and animals are nearly extinct. Children will inherit this earth. They should be more earth conscious. Not outer space conscious. Or we will really and truly kill the earth. Children should read "Man Eating Tigers of Bhim Bandh: Great White Hunter."
Here's a link

Man Eating Tigers of Bhim Bandh: Great White Hunter by [Kumar Singh, Ashok]

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