Monday 8 August 2016

Man eating leopard Of Bhim bandh: Great White Hunter

Hello folks, can someone knock some sense into the Saudi's. They are enjoying earths bounty for free. I mean oil. These countries are oil rich. They earn billions of dollars from oil sales. But what do they do with the money? They buy cars made of pure gold and buy commodes made of the same metal. Imagine it, they are only bothered about crapping on a golden commode while the earth around them is burning. Folks they are living on sand. They live in a desert. They are building sky scrapers. But they aren't using the dollars to green the desert. They should be planting trees and they should be making beautiful gardens. If possible, and I'm sure it is possible with the sort of money they get, they should be converting the desert into thick forests. This will make the gulf countries suppliers of oxygen to the world. I think the middle eastern countries should read my books in the 'Great White Hunter,' series. They will realize that greenery is more important than sky scrapers. They will provide themselves and the rest of the world with oxygen. Anyway, it is their oil that has depleted the worlds oxygen. Here is a book on nature and animals that will entertain the reader. "Man Eating Leopards in Bhim bandh: Great White Hunter." It is available in kindle and paperback
Here's a link

Man Eating Leopard in Bhim Bandh: Great White Hunter by [Singh, Ashok Kumar]

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