My views on patriotism for ones country. We all know that the world has become a village. The internet has done wonders. We are understanding people more. Now I would like to ask a million dollar question. What is American, British, Indian, German, French, Japanese etc. These are simply boundaries man created according to cast color and creed. But these boundaries do not permanently belong to the creators. Why? Because we all are guests on this earth for a certain (limited) period of time. And then we are kicked out (dead). Now suppose the theory of the soul is correct. It never dies. There are various religions on this earth with various theories of life before birth and after death. The religions that came from the middle east(including Christianity) simply believe 'from dust to dust.' The eastern religions(hinduism & Buddhism)strongly advocate life after death. You have western writers also(eg the successful book-Many Lives Many Masters) supporting this after death theory. If the theory of dust to dust is true, then the theory of being a bonafide American, Britisher, Italian, Indian, Chinese, etc,etc,etc, by birth is true. It means you were born as such, lived as such and died as such. And there is nothing after that. But if the theory of life after death is correct. Then folks every thing goes haywire. What guarantee does an American have that he will be born American again? He may land up in the Masai tribe in Africa. Did Churchill get rebirth in Germany? Will the Japanese get rebirth as a Chinese in China? We don't know. Science also doesn't know. What happened to Gandhi. Was he reborn a millionaire in the Us or UK. Did Martin Luther King get rebirth as a white man? No one knows. But we crib and quarrel and cry and throw tantrums when there is a final truth. NOTHING.
Folks I have written some books. If you want to read some here is a link.
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