It is the wild wild east. The author realized that rural India was still feudal where landlords still kept elephants as a symbol of their strength and power. "Killer Elephant" is such a story.
The land greedy landlord uses his elephant to kill and maim humans to create an atmosphere of fear in the surrounding villages. He does this to usurp peoples lands. The villagers fight back and kill the elephant. Unperturbed, the landlord buys a new one. He swears by the size and temperament of the animal. "This one is a brute," he says, "not a fly swatter like the one that was gunned down." The new elephant appreciates its job. What else could it ask for? It had full permission to kill humans.
"If the humans want me to kill humans," the elephant rumbles, "then so be it." Being a simple animal and with freedom to kill, it becomes over aggressive and terrorizes the villagers in the surrounding area. It goes berserk, chases and kills humans and rampages through villages causing villagers to flee from their homes. The elephant must be stopped, and if necessary, it must be gunned down. So hunters are called in who use jeeps to chase the elephant. The hunt is on. The landlord swears he won't allow anyone to hunt down his elephant. It is a question of prestige and self esteem. For panic stricken villagers it is a question of trampled down homes. So a ding dong war ensues between the humans and the elephant. Who will win? This is a million dollar question. Folks. Read on.
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