Saturday, 13 August 2016

Hello America

Ladies and gentleman it is an accepted fact that the Us is the leader of the world. It is doing well in all spheres. But I think it is losing out somewhere. I know where. The east and the west. The east has a habit of copying good and bad aspects of the west. No doubt the west civilized themselves and then colonized and civilized the rest of the world. But what happened. The west slept on beds and sat on chairs while the east slept on the ground and sat cross legged on mud floors. But when the east got civilized and bought tables and chairs and beds. What happened? Deforestation. The earth went bald and animals disappeared. Similarly with motor vehicles. And folks America is the leader. The world copies the US. So what can the US do to reverse this trend. Simple, it can green its deserts and waste lands. How. Well we all know that American corporate houses are super rich making profits worth billions of dollars across the world. The US government can make it compulsory(pass a law) for corporate's or any corporate house making forays into the US to buy a patch of desert waste land and use modern science to convert it into greenery. It will be a sort of industrial green zone. And green competitions can be held among'st the company's with the winner getting a tax rebate. Folks i assure you if the US does this the world will copy and do it. The world will get back its oxygen. Here is a book I wrote for children on the cruelty of animals.
Dog And Bear Fights Of Sonepur by [Kumar Singh, Ashok]

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