Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Why teen aged children should read "Dog And Bear Fights Of Sonepore."

I read the diary of a long gone Britisher. His name was Francis Buchanan. He was a manager in the East India Company. This company conquered India and handed it to the British crown.Buchanan had done a survey of the area where I live in North India in the state of Bihar. He came all the way from Calcutta on horse back in the year 1812 and visited most of the villages including my ancestral village. He was surveying the area so as to be able to charge a tax on land holding. When he surveyed the villages around where I live, he maintained a diary in which he wrote his every day activities and his experiences. I was shocked to read that the area around where I live today was heavily wooded with plenty of wild animals, both carnivores and herbivores, in Buchanans time. Folks I was shocked. Because where I live it is totally agricultural with no forests for miles around. Now Buchanans diary is authentic. When I told people (my fellow villagers and villagers of nearby villages) this, they were surprised and shocked. What happened? Mankind multiplied and to eat, our ancestors simply did away with forests. Of course, they were helped by the British who loved the hunt. They massacred animals and cleared the forests so that more taxable agricultural land will be available. Imagine it folks. Those ancestors lived in oxygen, that is why they survived Malaria ridden forests. Shouldn't this be reversed. Here is a book written by me that tells the story of cruelty on animals. Children will enjoy it. Remember folks, children have to be weened away from useless science fiction stories. They have to read about animals.
Here's a link

Dog And Bear Fights Of Sonepur by [Kumar Singh, Ashok]

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