Buddha, Buddhists and Buddhism. This is a Buddhist blog which tracks Xuanzang across north India searching for lost Buddhist stupas. We now know where the other stupas are.
Sunday, 9 October 2016
Thursday, 25 August 2016
USA the perfect policeman of this earth.
I am Ashok kumar Singh writing from India. Hello America. Yes you are a present day policeman to this earth. Before 1947, before the colonials let go of the colonies. the super powers were a greedy lot. They were always at war to gain colonial superiority for a captive market for their factory produce. So folks they regularly pitted the world to war. The age of war mongers was created. But with the explosion of the US made atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, came the explosion of a free world. Overnight colonials let go of colonies. The US slowly became the worlds single super power with the USSR trying to give competition. The world saw a new guardian in the US. This country proved to be a selfless country who followed true Christian values of kindness, love, and equality. The US has a lovely track record. It wasn't interested in enslaving countries to become their colony. It was only interested in free enterprise. It did business. It worked hard. The result, the imperialists collapsed after 1947 and the business country became super rich and started calling the shots. We know that each and every country fears the US. No one has the guts to challenge its superiority. So war mongers are out. With the US around, there is no place on earth for them. Okay, the Russians(USSR) squawked once, today it is the turn of the Chinese to squawk. But these squawks are temporary. There is only one reality in this world. The single super power is the US. And under the US the whole world lives in peace. So this country deserves this stature. The world is safe under the guardianship of the this country. The UN is kept alive and kicking by the US otherwise like its predecessors before the world wars the UN too would have gone for a toss. So I'll wind up by saying "THANK YOU USA FOR MAKING THIS WORLD A SAFE PLACE TO LIVE IN.
And yes, I am a small time author too with some books for sale on Amazon. You may want to read some. Here are a few links.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Hello white folks of America and the other English speaking countries.
This letter is to the white man in general but with special emphasis to America. Hello there. It is a historical fact that the white man civilized themselves after which they colonized and civilized the rest of the world. In they end they let the colonies go free. The white man gave themselves good governance, good education, a good standard of living, modern science and many many more. This was imparted to the colonies who are trailing behind. But the colonies did not attain that level of perfection which the white man attained. I'll give you an example. I'm talking about India and the US. India is a Hindu dominated land with 15% of its population Muslim.When Muslim fanatics stopped a train full of Hindu sadhu's and burned an entire coach with petrol thereby burning 36 Hindu sadhu's to death(literally roasted them alive). This was followed by a horrible blood bath. The Hindu majority took to the streets and there was a massacre of Muslims. History has never seen such a massacre. India may be educated etc but we are still the east. Now take the scene over to the USA, to the tragic 9/11 downing of the twin towers. After the towers were attacked and destroyed there was panic in India. Every Indian(both Hindu and Muslim) worth his rupee has a relative working in the US(In fact a friend of mine died when the twin towers collapsed). And Hindu's know that Indian Hindu's and Muslims look alike. India expected a massacre of the Muslim minority by the majority white community. And since Hindu's and Muslims look alike, there was a mad rush to phone ones loved ones requesting them to get out of the country. We were looking at the tragedy through the eyes of the east. Through our own prism. We were scared that there would be a slaughter by the majority white community. But we were wrong. Not a hair of a Muslim head was touched. We forgot that the white mans world was a civilized world. Their god(Jesus Christ) was a kind god who did not allow them to kill and maim the minority community who lived amongst them. So this is the difference between the two civilizations. Folks I mean the white mans western world and the brown mans east. We in the east have to still civilize ourselves. Now I will stop sermonizing and making you bored. Here is some entertainment. Here are some of the books I have written. Read them and enjoy them. The links.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Good morning America
Hello, I am Ashok Kumar Singh writing from India. We have extreme climates where I live in northern India. During winters it used to be freezing cold and during summers it is unbearably hot. By unbearably hot I mean 44 degrees centigrade. But now winters aren't unbearably cold. They are pleasant. Summers of course are unbearably hot. The temperature touches 50 degrees centigrade. A rise by five degrees. Now America, India is illiterate in terms of global warming. Politicians and the people in general don't care. Or there would be serious attempts to balance industrialization and forestation to control global warming. You are a literate country. You have the money and technology and the will to curve global warming. You had the brains to send men to the moon. If you can do that, why can't you do a simple thing like plant trees in the Arizona desert. Or the Mojave desert. You've got a whole list of deserts. Is exploring outer space more important or is greening this earth more important? Or is it your people do not want to do menial work like planting hundreds of trees every day. There is a way out. There is plenty of cheap labor available in India. These laborers would be happy to work for half the money your own laborers will charge. I know your labor lobby will protest. But remember, the earth has to get back its forests if man wants to see his children lead a decent life. Tie up with India and take some of our impoverished laborers. The benefits will be four fold. Jesus will bless you with pure oxygen. And yes, your children are only interested in Sci-fi, outer space, and science fiction. They see movies on these subjects and read idiotic stories of aliens. No, this is wrong. Their taste for mother nature and animals should be rejuvenated. Because they will be the future protector of animals which are fast going extinct. I am writing to you Americans because politicians of my country are useless. Here are the links of some fictional books I wrote about Indian animals. Read them and you will enjoy them. Make the kids read them and they will enjoy them.
Letter to the world
My views on patriotism for ones country. We all know that the world has become a village. The internet has done wonders. We are understanding people more. Now I would like to ask a million dollar question. What is American, British, Indian, German, French, Japanese etc. These are simply boundaries man created according to cast color and creed. But these boundaries do not permanently belong to the creators. Why? Because we all are guests on this earth for a certain (limited) period of time. And then we are kicked out (dead). Now suppose the theory of the soul is correct. It never dies. There are various religions on this earth with various theories of life before birth and after death. The religions that came from the middle east(including Christianity) simply believe 'from dust to dust.' The eastern religions(hinduism & Buddhism)strongly advocate life after death. You have western writers also(eg the successful book-Many Lives Many Masters) supporting this after death theory. If the theory of dust to dust is true, then the theory of being a bonafide American, Britisher, Italian, Indian, Chinese, etc,etc,etc, by birth is true. It means you were born as such, lived as such and died as such. And there is nothing after that. But if the theory of life after death is correct. Then folks every thing goes haywire. What guarantee does an American have that he will be born American again? He may land up in the Masai tribe in Africa. Did Churchill get rebirth in Germany? Will the Japanese get rebirth as a Chinese in China? We don't know. Science also doesn't know. What happened to Gandhi. Was he reborn a millionaire in the Us or UK. Did Martin Luther King get rebirth as a white man? No one knows. But we crib and quarrel and cry and throw tantrums when there is a final truth. NOTHING.
Folks I have written some books. If you want to read some here is a link.
Sunday, 21 August 2016
Letter to the US, UK,Canada, and Australia
Folks. This is a request to people from these countries. Most of the Christian missionaries that came to India to tell us about Christ and impart modern education to us hailed from your country. They have retired and are either dead (gone to visit the lord) or are spending their last days in their countries of origin. Folks, these people lead selfless lives and left the comfort of the west to come to time frozen India to help us. They left their loved ones behind to help a people who were lagging behind in the modern world. So today if India is surging forward in business and other spheres it is totally thanks to these selfless kind missionaries who exerted themselves to cross the seven seas and come over and correct our lives. They took us along with the modern world. Tell the ones that are still alive that India is paying them back tenfold. Life is changing here. And Christianity is spreading like wildfire. One has to go to a rural church to see the change. I predict that in the next 30 years 50% of India will be Christian. I mean with a population of 1.25 billion, India will be the biggest Christian country in the world. There is a massive surge for English education(which originally the missionaries imparted and now their ex students are imparting). These missionaries taught us in our schools and colleges. And because of them I can easily cheekily say to a westerner that we in India got better education than them. How?- Simple. Both our teachers(teachers in western countries and and teachers in India) were white men hailing from the western(US, UK, Canada,Australia) countries. But the teachers in the western countries simply took up a day job in the local school or college and most probably snoozed in class. Our teachers exerted themselves, left their loved ones behind and crossed the seven seas to backward electricityless India to teach us. There lies the dedication and quality of our education. And thanks to them we do write novels in English. Here is one which I have written as a reaction when some westerners(atheist's in the US and the UK) abused Christian missionaries saying they were busy bodies who went to third world countries to destroy ancient cultures. In this story I have vividly described the danger these people confronted. I have described how these missionaries used their guts to tame a wild lawless people and straighten out their lives. It clearly shows the hard work they put in. Oh yes, if possible please share this letter so that it somehow reaches the ones that are still alive. Here's the link.
Friday, 19 August 2016
Is India Britain's motherland?
Hello Britain. I am Ashok writing from India. Do you know that India and Britain are distant cousins today. They are blood brothers connected by DNA. I just realized this so I decided to pen it down. What I am going to tell you may anger you. But these are hard facts. And we cannot ignore facts. So forgive this post. But I have to tell you how these two countries are blood brothers. The British (your fore fathers) came to India 350 years ago. They came here to do business and later colonized it. The early Britishers came without their womenfolk and stayed in India for many years. The natural need for the opposite sex was strong so they took up local women. They either wed them or created red light areas where they went for sexual entertainment. Naturally the offspring were either white or brown and all Christian. These children rejected Indian culture and the Indian way of life. They simply took to their British ancestry and regarded England as their home. The white children were sent back to the UK (then called England by us Indians) and the brown or black ones were retained in India. So whenever a ship sailed from an Indian port for England it usually had a bunch of white kids as passengers. So 350 years of British rule in India resulted in 350 years of ships from India docking on British ports unloading a bunch of Anglo Indian children whom the British mainland amalgamated and absorbed as their own. So you have 350 years of Indian DNA disembarking and mixing into British society. Now folks that DNA must have spread like wildfire as 60% of the British people (males) were working in India. So if today there is a study of British DNA I suspect the original Anglo Saxon DNA will be rare or on the verge of extinction. The dominant DNA will be the Anglo Indian one. So we can round this post up by saying India is your motherland and Britain is your fatherland. Forgive me for saying this. But these are hard facts. Every year we have visitors(white folk) from Britain coming to India in search of their Indian ancestry. So Britain you are my distant cousin. How about reading some books written by me about the land your DNA left behind. I mean your motherland. I mean India. (I'm not being cheeky as I am trying to sell my books to you). You'll enjoy these stories. Here are the links.
A letter to the British
Good afternoon Britain. I am writing from India. Why are you angry with us Indians? I have been blogging for the last five days and have been getting plenty of page views from the US, India, and Germany. But none from the UK. Why? Are you angry with us Indians? You shouldn't be. Remember we were once your colony. You colonized us and freed us from rascal kings and queens who had no idea of how to run a country. You fought battles and united the different provinces into a single cohesive country. You saved the Hindu religion from the onslaught of Islam. You civilized us, gave us proper governance, good education, a solid judicial system on the British pattern. and finally a strong disciplined army that keeps this country united. And not to forget the English language and the much misused Indian railways which refuses to die. Basically because of you this country did not become another Afghanistan. So if there is anything good in India, it was a gift from you, given and created by you. But when I started blogging, half my page views came from the US but none from the UK. Why? Now my request to you. You are a very good friend of the US. The two of you cooperate with each other when politics is involved. Good. Why can't your prime minister request the US to use their money and modern technology to turn some of their desert wastelands into lush green forests. The world needs this and the US can afford to carry it through. Rich people from across the world could contribute to this project. Why is it that man has the power and money and scientific ideas to enable him to walk on the moon. Which is easier, greening the earth or sending rockets to Mars or the moon? Folks, I daily sit outside my house for a couple of hours and watch the traffic pass by. Traffic has increased ten fold. There is global warming. I am worried for my grand children. You also should be. But the west is on a different track all together. The west talks about the dangers of global warming, warns the world about global warming, but their children are only interested in knowing about outer space. They only read science fiction. Folks, children should first think about conquering this earth and making it a safe place to live in. Then they can think of outer space. Here are the links for some some entertaining action packed animal stories I wrote for children.
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Another letter to the white men/women of the English speaking countries.
Hello white men/women. How are you. I apologize once again for sounding racist. I have cooked up a story for you which I hope you will appreciate. The story goes like this. Once upon a time there was a bus. Each and every passenger sitting in it were white people. The bus was full of merriment and dance and every one was happy. A brown man was running behind the bus. He was trying to catch the handle bars and hop in. He repeatedly missed the handlebars so didn't manage to hop in. He wanted to join in the merrymaking. The white men in the bus weren't bothered with his plight. They enjoyed themselves singing and dancing with every one sporting smiles on their faces. Now it would be wrong to say that all the white men/women weren't bothered with the brown mans plight. Some were. These white men got up from their seats and went to the bus gate. They lent out precariously and extended their hands to the running brown man and yelled. "Hop in mate there's place for all." The brown man grabbed those white hands allowing the kind white men to pull him in. "Welcome and have a seat," these white men said. And the story sends with the brown man joining in the merrymaking. Now folks, the gist of the story. The bus represented the modern world, modern western ideas, and modern western education, It represented modern science and a modern western high standard of living. The white men were folks living in the west and enjoying the modern world. The brown man represented eastern countries like India. He was running away from rascal governments, outdated religions, outdated ideas, high crime rate and bad governance. The white men who felt sorry for him and selflessly gave him a helping hand were the Christian missionaries who left the razzle dazzle of the west and came to the east to travel on bullock carts through malaria infested jungles to teach us good governance, and tell us about Christ. They opened schools, colleges, and hospitals and worked among'st the impoverished living without electricity like the locals.. If India is moving forward today it is because of their sacrifice and hard work. And yes. They gave us the English language. So folks, it is thanks to them that we can write novels in English. Here are some of the brown mans books which you will enjoy.
https://www.amazon.com/Rogue-Elephant-Olipore-Great-Hunter-ebook/dp/B01E0TF39Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471401373&sr=8-1&keywords=ashok+singh%28kindle%29 Monday, 15 August 2016
Saturday, 13 August 2016
A letter to Saudi Arabia
Hello Saudi Arabia. What is the climate there? Are you being affected by global warming? Yes you are. Saudi Arabia, you are lucky to have a good, smart, benevolent, forward thinking King. Under the present king your country is doing very well. He is modernizing your country. But you the people of Saudi Arabia have to help the Royal family to make your country a world leader. You have got oil. You have made Dubai a tourist and shopping center attracting people from all over the world. How about working on the deserts. You have got lots of money. Green the deserts. Convert desert wasteland into lush green forests. This will increase tourism in your country four fold. You will benefit with excess oxygen and rainfall. The world will benefit too. Here is a link to a fictional book I wrote which will give you an idea of Indian forests and how it helps the environment.
Hello America
Ladies and gentleman it is an accepted fact that the Us is the leader of the world. It is doing well in all spheres. But I think it is losing out somewhere. I know where. The east and the west. The east has a habit of copying good and bad aspects of the west. No doubt the west civilized themselves and then colonized and civilized the rest of the world. But what happened. The west slept on beds and sat on chairs while the east slept on the ground and sat cross legged on mud floors. But when the east got civilized and bought tables and chairs and beds. What happened? Deforestation. The earth went bald and animals disappeared. Similarly with motor vehicles. And folks America is the leader. The world copies the US. So what can the US do to reverse this trend. Simple, it can green its deserts and waste lands. How. Well we all know that American corporate houses are super rich making profits worth billions of dollars across the world. The US government can make it compulsory(pass a law) for corporate's or any corporate house making forays into the US to buy a patch of desert waste land and use modern science to convert it into greenery. It will be a sort of industrial green zone. And green competitions can be held among'st the company's with the winner getting a tax rebate. Folks i assure you if the US does this the world will copy and do it. The world will get back its oxygen. Here is a book I wrote for children on the cruelty of animals.
Friday, 12 August 2016
Jim Corbett, a silent hunter
Now the information I am going to share with the reader should be regarded as a rumor because I don't have proof to substantiate the story as facts. But I saw this post in facebook somewhere. An Indian gentleman by the name of Mr Avari was on a man eating tiger hunt in the Terai on the India Nepal border. The man eating tiger had become a menace in the area. Mr Avari, who was employed in the British Indian army, took up the challenge. But he found himself paired up with an Englishman by the name of Jim. The Indian gentleman wanted to hunt alone as he was scared that his friend might panic. And in such a situation it would be impossible to handle both the panicked human and the man eater. But the person called Jim insisted in coming along and since Indians did not argue with Britishers, the Indian agreed. To make a long story short, when confronted by the tiger, he aimed and fired. He thought he heard two shots and saw smoke come out of the English mans rifle. The tiger was dead. Anyway, the English man told him that he had also fired but missed. The Englishman congratulated him(the Indian army man) on the successful hunt. The Indian army man never met the Englishman again but later on learned that it wasn't a bullet from his gun that had killed the tiger. His bullet had missed. On inquiring on who the elusive Englishman was he was told by a British officer that the man was no other than Jim Corbett. So basically I believe this story because in Jim Corbetts time half of north India was still dense forests with thousands of tigers roaming around. And a lot became man eaters. So I don't believe he only killed the man eaters which are stated in official statistics. His man eating tiger stories are concentrated in Kumaon that is north central India. Jim Corbett worked in the railways in North Eastern India. And just north of his workplace was the feared Terai Jungles. He must have done a lot of man eating tiger hunting there. But due to reasons known to him, he kept these exploits a secret giving the credit to other hunters. So here is a link for two books I wrote in Jim Corbetts story telling style.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
I copied kiplings story telling style
Okay folks, I told you why I wrote in Jim Corbetts story telling style. Now lets move to Rudyard Kipling and his famous Jungle book. That includes famous stories like Rikki Tikki Tavi. In my previous blog I told you about the history of the British colonial era building I inherited. The railway bridge that was constructed by Doorman and Long Company is just a stones throw away. It was constructed in 1860 and replaced in 1911. So during this period, passengers had to get down at my home town called Lakhisarai, ford the river with the help of porters, cross over to the other side to Kiul railway station and catch the train to Calcutta. Now Kipling was travelling in this area during that period. So he must have visited my town to ford the river to catch the train on the opposite side. And he must have interacted or socialized with the owners of my bungalow who were the only Britishers in the area. Before the railways, the main mode of travel was by boat up and down the Ganges. The British had newly established their summer capital in the Himalayan foothills in a village called Darjeeling. During the summers the entire Calcutta administration would flock to that Himalayan village. They would board boats on the Ganges, travel up the river, then travel up the Kursela river to a town called Purnea(Where lady Canning, the governor generals wife, was infected by Malaria) which was on the edge of the Terai Jungle. This was the dicey part. From Purnea, the English would dash across the Terai Jungle braving malaria to the safety of the cool Himalayan hill station of Darjeeling. Purnea is just 60 miles from where I live and 45 miles from where Jim Corbett worked in the ferries. Britishers in transit to Calcutta or Darjeeling would spend a week in Purnea recuperating from the long river journey or the dash through malaria infested Terai jungles (those days malaria was known as Purnea fever). So Rudyard Kipling stayed here on his way to Darjeeling and back to Calcutta. It was during his stay here that he got the idea for his famous Jungle Book and the equally famous Rikki Tikki Tavi (the are is infested with cobra snakes). The names of the characters in the book are very similar to local names in the area. The village he chose to place his story in is in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Folks I did a lot of snooping around this town(Purnea) as I have some land there. The old colonial buildings are too regal for such a small town. Now you will understand why I copied Kiplings writing style. Here are the links of two of my books which have similar characters.
Jim Corbetts style of story telling.
Folks, I'm not ashamed to say that I copied Jim Corbetts style of story telling. In fact I picked up stories where the great Corbett left off. Folks we Indians loved him because he loved us. He was an Englishman in India who had the option to go to England and lead a relaxed life with income from his book royalties. But he didn't do that. He stayed back and worked in India in hot malaria infested area's. If Indians suffered the hot climate, he suffered with us. I live in a town just sixteen miles from where he worked as an officer in the Indian railways in charge of the ferries. So basically I knew quite a few old men(they are now all dead) in my childhood who remembered him. And just five miles downstream of the Ganges where he worked is my ancestral village. Now folks I inherited a bungalow which belonged to British indigo planters during the period Jim Corbett worked nearby. So it can be expected that Jim Corbett socialized with the owners of my bungalow since he was one of the few Britishers around. So Jim Corbett most probably visited or stayed in my bungalow. The railway bridge in my town was replaced in 1911 by Doorman and Long company of England. It is the same company that constructed the iconic Sydney Harbor Bridge and the bridge over the river Nile. And since my bungalow was the only British building around, and the only livable building around, I'm sure the engineers stayed here or at least socialized here. Including Jim Corbett. And folks, ghosts do roam around my house. One day I was getting the ground in my backyard dug up. The laborers struck bricks. They uprooted the bricks and I realized too late they were throwing out bones. I realized it was most probably an Englishman's grave, or a family member of the owner of the house whom Jim Corbett, E M Forster, and Rudyard Kipling must have known. These folks must have stopped here to ford the river while the bridge was being constructed, Folks that is why I always look up at the ceiling of my house when I write. And yes, I copied their story telling style. Here are the links of to two of my books on man eaters.
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
A letter to America
Hello hello hello, is this America speaking? I would like to speak to the Americans. I have looked up the internet and realize that your country has got quite a few deserts. America, you are a great country. You are a super strong country. You are a super rich country. You gave the world modern science. You gave the world fashion and created the trend for music. The whole world copies you. You are the leader of this earth no doubt. The rest of the countries follow you. You start singing, the world starts singing. You start rapping(that music is idiotic) and the world starts rapping in all sorts of different twangy languages. Now this is the important part of my post. If there is a trend in the world to copy you why don't you divert the worlds attention towards mother nature. Start by converting your desert into lush green forests. America, if you can send people on the moon and send a rover to rove on Mars, I'm sure greening the Mojave Desert will be a piece of cake. Do you know what the result will be? It will be the in thing across the world to green deserts or replace depleted forests. And yes, please ween away your children from outer space and rockets and robots and bring them back to tigers and leopards and panthers and elephants. Here is a book the children will like. It is both in kindle and paperback. Make them read it. They will howl with laughter.
Here is the link.
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
Mother of all frauds
Hello folks. We all know that India is and was an impoverished country. The world has frauds and charlatans. India too has them. But of a different kind. Friends, previously I used to live in the city of Patna in North India. It is the capital of the state of Bihar. It has an old British era railway station which is confronted by a Hindu temple. A line of beggars usually sit in the railway stations premises in front of the temple. One female beggar was unique. She always managed to get hold of a dead human body which she would lay on the stations premises, cover it with a white shroud, light incense sticks around it, and wail over it claiming it was her dead relative and that she didn't have money to cremate it. She was the mother of all frauds. On investigation, I realized she was getting her supply of dead bodies from the crematorium in the Ganges. Hindu's cremate their dead by burning the body on the banks of the river which is regarded as holy. But impoverished people cannot afford firewood so they simply throw the dead thing in the river hoping that fishes will devour them. These bodies are fished out by people who sell them to students in the various Medical colleges of India. Most are exported to Medical colleges in the US and the UK. This beggar woman was buying these dead bodies and bringing them to the railway station to wail and beg over them. Naturally it attracted the author in me so I spun a fictional story around her and the other beggars who were affected by her fraudulent activities. Folks, this is the book. Read it and you will vomit with disgust. It is a disgusting story. But friends I wrote it because I had to. It was unique. Here's the link.
Letter to Australians
Now this is a letter to my Australian friends. Like the Americans and Saudi's you too are a well to do country with plenty of desert land which you call outback. Friends read my post I wrote to the Americans. India has millions of impoverished laborers who eke out a pittance here. You can help yourself and help our laborers come out of poverty. You have millions of acres of wasteland which you call outback. Good. Why keep them as wastelands when global warming is creating a hole in the ozone layer right above you. I know that hole has become smaller. But there is a way to close it permanently. Fellow Australians, invite our laborers in and contract them for American $250 a month. They will flock into your country in the thousands and change that land which you call outback into green forests. These forests will be able to sustain wildlife which may soon go into extinction. Indian laborers will dig up lakes which will raise the underground water level. This will sustain agriculture in the surrounding area. It will give you the much needed oxygen, and it will permanently close the ozone hole. But my Australian friends. Like the Americans, your children too are only interested in idiotic stuff like outer space and aliens. They are infatuated with science fiction. They have forgotten lions, tigers, elephants and other animals. They must be brought back to mother earth. So let them read a lovely book that describes poverty in India and modern India's interaction with animals.
Here's a link
Here's a link
Letter to the Americans
Hello America. Why are you being selfish. Like the Saudi's of the middle east you too are a rich country with plenty of deserts. Why don't you team up with India and allow our laborers to change those vast sandy wastes into fertile farm land or wooded forests. Imagine the Arizona desert full of trees and shrubs and lakes. Naturally this will sustain wildlife and birds. It will attract rain giving clouds and rainfall will increase enabling agriculture. Now an Indian laborer will do this work for only 300 dollars a month. If you allow them, thousands will flock in, do their work, and flock back to India again.You don't have the man power to do this sort of work. And I think your laborers won't take less than $3000 a month. India is overpopulated with millions of laborers toiling for a pittance. They will be happy with $300 a month as they can live as kings in India with that sort of money. You will get lush green forests with a lot of rainfall and our hungry laborers will get plenty of money(according to Indian standards). The profits to both these countries will be ten fold. And my American friends Jesus will bless you for being kind to others and being kind to yourselves. The end effect will be that it will help control global warming. Our children will then be able to live without gas masks and ride motor vehicles as their fathers and fore fathers did. If natures decline is reversed right in front of their eyes, they will understand the good work and continue doing it. But my American friends, your children are infatuated with science fiction only. They have forgotten books on animals and nature like Kipling's famous "Jungle Book, or Black Beauty, or The Incredible Journey," and many many more. Ask today's children who Jim Corbett is and they most probably won't know. So folks here is a lovely hilarious book for the.young ones. Its a spoof on saving animals. Their stomachs will explode laughing. Here it is. It is available in both kindle and paperback. Oh yes, if you liked my idea of collaborating in greening you deserts then please share this blog.
Why teen aged children should read "Dog And Bear Fights Of Sonepore."
I read the diary of a long gone Britisher. His name was Francis Buchanan. He was a manager in the East India Company. This company conquered India and handed it to the British crown.Buchanan had done a survey of the area where I live in North India in the state of Bihar. He came all the way from Calcutta on horse back in the year 1812 and visited most of the villages including my ancestral village. He was surveying the area so as to be able to charge a tax on land holding. When he surveyed the villages around where I live, he maintained a diary in which he wrote his every day activities and his experiences. I was shocked to read that the area around where I live today was heavily wooded with plenty of wild animals, both carnivores and herbivores, in Buchanans time. Folks I was shocked. Because where I live it is totally agricultural with no forests for miles around. Now Buchanans diary is authentic. When I told people (my fellow villagers and villagers of nearby villages) this, they were surprised and shocked. What happened? Mankind multiplied and to eat, our ancestors simply did away with forests. Of course, they were helped by the British who loved the hunt. They massacred animals and cleared the forests so that more taxable agricultural land will be available. Imagine it folks. Those ancestors lived in oxygen, that is why they survived Malaria ridden forests. Shouldn't this be reversed. Here is a book written by me that tells the story of cruelty on animals. Children will enjoy it. Remember folks, children have to be weened away from useless science fiction stories. They have to read about animals.
Here's a link
Here's a link
Why you should read Killer Elephant
Hello folks, we haven't got time. We are all visitors on this earth. And one day everyone must die. Let us pass on a proper earth to our children. Folks, before you kick the bucket, do you want your children to inherit your gas mask from you. Or do you want them to inherit your beautiful garden. But children are only interested in aliens and science fiction. They read about them and watch these movies. This is wrong. They have to cultivate an interest in mother nature. Here is a humorous action packed book that will ween away children from addiction to stories of outer space and aliens. It will cultivate their interest in mother nature and our fellow living beings, namely animals.
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Why you should read Killer Elephant
Hello folks, we haven't got time. We are all visitors on this earth. And one day everyone must die. Let us pass on a proper earth to our children. Folks, before you kick the bucket, do you want your children to inherit your gas mask from you. Or do you want them to inherit your beautiful garden. But children are only interested in aliens and science fiction. They read about them and watch these movies. This is wrong. They have to cultivate an interest in mother nature. Here is a humorous action packed book that will ween away children from addiction to stories of outer space and aliens. It will cultivate their interest in mother nature and our fellow living beings, namely animals.
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Jungle in the gulf countries
Today morning as I lay on my bed my mind once more wondered off to the Gulf countries. I hear they are concentrating on making Dubai a holiday and marketing hub so that when oil stocks dry up, or a substitute of oil is found, the gulf countries will continue earning a good profit. Thereby helping its citizens to continue living a lavish life. Folks, explain tourism to the oil kings. Instead of having concrete tourist spots can someone advice the Sheikhs to spend a single percent of their earnings and change the Sahara desert into a green zone with lush green forests and man made lakes. They can breed animals there and invite the world on Sahara safari's. Its effects will be three pronged. Dubai will earn money from adventure tourism and they will provide the world with fruits and fresh oxygen which their oil depleted. I hope I am right. Here is one of my books that tell the story of what can happen when man disturbs nature. Folks, this is a snake bite story.
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Monday, 8 August 2016
Forests depleting
And folks, forests of India and Malaysia are shrinking. The amazon rain forests, Indian and Malasian forests were regarded as the earths lungs. But what happened. The lungs are being snipped off. Who will reverse this? The next generation? I mean the children of today. But these children don't want to learn about nature. They crave to be city slickers and enjoy gadgets churned up through the knowledge of science. For them it is a case of "to hell with forests and to hell with nature. Three cheers for fast food, three cheers for junk food, three cheers for fictional alien stories, and finally three cheers for science fiction," As though science fiction was a godsend. Folks this is why I write jungle stories about animals. Children and teenagers should be brought down to earth and reality. They should be brought down and realize the danger that is looming before them. The danger of walking around and living in gas masks. Here is a hilarious story both in kindle and paperback which will make them laugh and think of mother nature. It is a spoof on mans attempts to save the tiger. Basically conservationists should concentrate on increasing forest cover.
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Man eating leopard Of Bhim bandh: Great White Hunter
Hello folks, can someone knock some sense into the Saudi's. They are enjoying earths bounty for free. I mean oil. These countries are oil rich. They earn billions of dollars from oil sales. But what do they do with the money? They buy cars made of pure gold and buy commodes made of the same metal. Imagine it, they are only bothered about crapping on a golden commode while the earth around them is burning. Folks they are living on sand. They live in a desert. They are building sky scrapers. But they aren't using the dollars to green the desert. They should be planting trees and they should be making beautiful gardens. If possible, and I'm sure it is possible with the sort of money they get, they should be converting the desert into thick forests. This will make the gulf countries suppliers of oxygen to the world. I think the middle eastern countries should read my books in the 'Great White Hunter,' series. They will realize that greenery is more important than sky scrapers. They will provide themselves and the rest of the world with oxygen. Anyway, it is their oil that has depleted the worlds oxygen. Here is a book on nature and animals that will entertain the reader. "Man Eating Leopards in Bhim bandh: Great White Hunter." It is available in kindle and paperback
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Man Eating tiger of Bhim Bandh
Man Eating Tigers of Bhim Bandh is a fictional story of true tiger and man encounters in the area where I live. This book was inspired by Jim Corbetts man eating tiger stories. Jim Corbetts stories were real while mine are fiction. I have tried to tell the world about the dangerous lives some of us Indians live because of deforestation. I apologize to my readers for killing the tiger in the end of the story. This is the age of wildlife conservation. I killed the tiger to give the story a fighting finish. I did this to attract young readers to my animal books. Why? Because we all know that a vast majority of young readers like a story with a fighting finish. Today, the young ones are only interested in science fiction and adventurous stories of outer space and aliens. To hell with the aliens. Our forest cover is disappearing and animals are nearly extinct. Children will inherit this earth. They should be more earth conscious. Not outer space conscious. Or we will really and truly kill the earth. Children should read "Man Eating Tigers of Bhim Bandh: Great White Hunter."
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Sunday, 7 August 2016
Dog and bear Fights of Sonepore
Hello folks. There was a racket running in Pakistan where bears and wild dogs were captured and made to fight each other. The fights were brutal and spectators would bet on who would win. To enable the dogs to kill the bears, the latter's teeth and claws would be chiseled off. It was extreme cruelty to animals just to earn a few rupees. So I spun this story for children. I hope they enjoy it and realize that animals need love and affection.
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Present condition of Jim Corbetts work place.
And folks, I will be visiting Jim Corbetts place of work on the banks of the Ganges in Mokameh ghat. I will be going there day after tomorrow. And yes, I will make it a point to visit the school which Jim Corbett set up 100 years ago near the ferry. I will report on what I see. It is just 16 miles from where I live. It was Jim Corbetts books that inspired me to write my man eating animal stories. I don't expect to find much. The old school is running fine. But the ferry area seems to have disappeared. lets see what I come across. Oh yes, I picked up the thread where Jim Corbett left off. I unashamedly wrote fictional stories in his story telling style. Here is a book that will entertain you. I think this is the only book where elephants fight elephants. The book is a page turner. Folks, I'm not boasting. Read it and discover it for yourself.
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Make your kids laugh
Now folks, do you want your teen aged children to laugh. There are two books which will make them howl. They are 'Man Eating Tiger of Chitwan,' and 'Killler elephant.' Killer elephant will give the reader a good insight of India's rural life in a humorous way. Humans are discussed through the eyes of elephants. Folks rural North India is frozen in time. It still harbors ideas and a living style which may be two hundred years old. Even today, landlords and warlords keep elephants as a sign of power and monetary superiority. Elephants are used to run over and disposes people of their agricultural land by scaring them away. And elephants are used during elections to scare voters into not voting for a political party. Folks children will enjoy it.
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Hello folks. I am fed up of reading Sci-fi stories about man conquering aliens and outer space. I'm more interested in the fact that man has conquered this planet and destroyed all the living creatures here. Except for man, every other living creature is in the endangered list. Folks, this world has to be un-conconquered. Folks, this world has to be freed from mans tentacles. This is why I have written books about animals. Children have to be brought back to this earth. Their interest for mother nature must be re-harnessed. Folks, children should read less Sci-fi and more of stories about earth so that they are prepared for a life on this earth. Remember Little Red Riding Hood and the three bad wolves. Remember Kiplings Jungle Book. And folks, Jim Corbett wrote about man eating animals. Those stories were read and re read? Lets not destroy ourselves by making the little ones escape into outer space. So I picked up the thread from where these writers left and unashamedly cooked up animal stories in their story telling style to entertain teen aged children. So I wrote the "Great White Hunter Series." Here is the third book in the series. You'll love it.
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Wednesday, 3 August 2016
Man Eating Leopards Of Bhim Bandh: Great White Hunter
This is the second book in the 'Great White Hunter' series. Henry Phibbs is an American who has settled down in India due to his love for Indian wildlife. He wants to lead a relaxed life. But the Indian Government has different plans for him.
A leopard has become a man eater. It has killed 36 humans. The Government wants it captured or killed. Unfortunately it is the age of wild life conservation and big game hunters are extinct. Except for a few old men. Among'st these ancient relics, Henry Phibbs is the best.
Henry tries to capture the leopard alive. But the animal is in a killing spree. Humans are an easy target for it as they aren't fleet footed. Over populated rural India is encroaching into the jungles, into the leopards territory. So food in human form is plenty. Will Henry kill the leopard???
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A Temple To Jesus Christ: Middle Class Incest
"Middle Class Incest," is the second book in the series, "A Hindu to Christian convert story which went horribly wrong." This story tells in detail the problems a Christian convert faces in orthodox Hindu India.
Jwala Singh is a successful businessman, a newly convert Christian who lives in rural India. He hails from an orthodox Hindu family but his education in a Christian Mission School causes him to embrace Christ. His wife is a die hard Hindu who hates Christian's. She hates her husband for converting. She tries her best to bring him back to the Hindu fold and berates him when she fails. She blackmails him and refuses to sleep with him saying she will not have sex with a Christian. The marriage goes for a toss.
Jwala wants to pray to Christ in a church but the nearest church is a hundred kilometers away. So he takes the easy way out. He builds his own personnel temple to Jesus Christ. His wife wants to install idols of Hindu gods in the new temple. Jwala puts his foot down and does not allow her. To her irritation he installs a picture of Jesus Christ in the temple. The wife is furious. Who does Jwala turn to for female companionship? Is it the housemaid? A frustrated Jwala sins with her. Where else can he go to satiate his frustration? The wife is adamant to demolish the temple. Does she succeed? Is Jwala's relationship with the house maid divine or illicit? Is he taking advantage of her poverty. Should he repent and leave her or should he continue the relationship? These are important questions to be answered in "A Temple To Jesus Christ"
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A fathers attempt to molest his own daughter
"Middle Class Incest," is the second book in the series, "A Hindu to Christian convert story which went horribly wrong." This story tells in detail the problems a Christian convert faces in orthodox Hindu India.
Jwala Singh is a successful businessman, a newly convert Christian who lives in rural India. He hails from an orthodox Hindu family but his education in a Christian Mission School causes him to embrace Christ. His wife is a die hard Hindu who hates Christian's. She hates her husband for converting. She tries her best to bring him back to the Hindu fold and berates him when she fails. She blackmails him and refuses to sleep with him saying she will not have sex with a Christian. The marriage goes for a toss.
Jwala wants to pray to Christ in a church but the nearest church is a hundred kilometers away. So he takes the easy way out. He builds his own personnel temple to Jesus Christ. His wife wants to install idols of Hindu gods in the new temple. Jwala puts his foot down and does not allow her. To her irritation he installs a picture of Jesus Christ in the temple. The wife is furious. Who does Jwala turn to for female companionship? Is it the housemaid? A frustrated Jwala sins with her. Where else can he go to satiate his frustration? The wife is adamant to demolish the temple. Does she succeed? Is Jwala's relationship with the house maid divine or illicit? Is he taking advantage of her poverty. Should he repent and leave her or should he continue the relationship? Or should he molest his own daughter? These are important questions to be answered in "A Temple To Jesus Christ"
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Man Eating Tigers Of Bhim Bandh: Great White Hunter
This is the first book in the 'Great White Hunter' series. Henry Phibbs is an American who settles down in India due to his love for Indian wildlife. He retires from the Indian forest service and plans to lead a relaxed life on his fish farm in Pusa.
But this is not to be. The Indian Government has other plans for Henry. A tiger has gone rogue and has become a man eater. It kills 60 humans and the Government wants it killed. But in the age of wildlife conservation big game hunters are extinct. Except for a few old men. Among'st them Henry is the best.
But the tiger was Henry's baby. He had nurtured it since it was a cub. How did people expect him to kill it? Local people request Henry to kill the tiger or it will kill more humans. The old American finally agrees. He reluctantly accepts the challenge and goes for the kill.
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Killer Snake
A snake escapes from a snake charmers basket and creates havoc before it is captured again. It grows a pair of milky white fangs backed with fresh new venom bags. Its first victim is a little girl who put her hand into a rat hole which it had usurped. Another victim is the landlords maid servant in whose hair it gets entangled. The humans are terrified and pray to it.
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Killer Elephant
It is the wild wild east. The author realized that rural India was still feudal where landlords still kept elephants as a symbol of their strength and power. "Killer Elephant" is such a story.
The land greedy landlord uses his elephant to kill and maim humans to create an atmosphere of fear in the surrounding villages. He does this to usurp peoples lands. The villagers fight back and kill the elephant. Unperturbed, the landlord buys a new one. He swears by the size and temperament of the animal. "This one is a brute," he says, "not a fly swatter like the one that was gunned down." The new elephant appreciates its job. What else could it ask for? It had full permission to kill humans.
"If the humans want me to kill humans," the elephant rumbles, "then so be it." Being a simple animal and with freedom to kill, it becomes over aggressive and terrorizes the villagers in the surrounding area. It goes berserk, chases and kills humans and rampages through villages causing villagers to flee from their homes. The elephant must be stopped, and if necessary, it must be gunned down. So hunters are called in who use jeeps to chase the elephant. The hunt is on. The landlord swears he won't allow anyone to hunt down his elephant. It is a question of prestige and self esteem. For panic stricken villagers it is a question of trampled down homes. So a ding dong war ensues between the humans and the elephant. Who will win? This is a million dollar question. Folks. Read on.
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A Temple To Jesus Christ: The Snake God
The snake God is a Hindu to Christian conversion story that went horribly wrong. Set in the fag end of British rule in India, the story revolves around a cobra that escapes from the snake charmers basket, is picked up by an eagle and falls into the landlords compound. On seeing it, the terrified landlord hops onto the visiting police officers jeep and hops on it for more elevation causing the bonnet to cave in.
James Powell is the visiting police officer, a die hard imperialist whose stiff upper lip and poise take a beating when his host, the Indian landlord, starts hopping on the bonnet of his brand new Jeep. He watches aghast as the smart bonnet caves in. He is furious. Neither does he understand why on earth would anyone pray to a snake, especially one sitting coiled on the head of a scarecrow? He and Bill Moore, who is the pastor in the local church, succeed in converting the landlord to Christianity. Before converting to Christianity, the landlord was an orthodox Hindu who did not understand why Englishmen didn't pray to snakes? If they did, they would rule India for the next one hundred years.. The snake of course does not understand why humans pray to it and why they sometimes offer it milk? And why did they sometimes chase it with sticks and stones to kill it. Is it because it bit the little girl that died? Or is it because it got entangled in a sleeping woman's hair? Life is an enigma. Read on.ashoksingh3001@gmail.comhttps://www.amazon.com/Temple-Jesus-Christ-Snake-God-ebook/dp/B00JF4HA3M/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1470910419&sr=8-13&keywords=ashok+singh+%28kindle%29
Man Eating Tiger of Chitwan
Man Eating Tigers Of Chitwan
The Link
Genghise Khan is a Royal Bengal tiger who is paired up with a tiger who was brought up in a zoo. The tigers are rehabilitated in the forests of Chitwan. The zoo bred tiger is unable to kill fleet footed animals so goes hammer and tongs for the humans. They are an easy target for him. The humans react and go hammer and tongs for the tigers. A ding dong war ensues and the zoo bred tiger is hunted and killed. In the fight Genghise is fatally wounded in his feet. He now cannot hunt fleet footed animals. So to stay alive he reluctantly becomes a man eater.
The Link
Genghise Khan is a Royal Bengal tiger who is paired up with a tiger who was brought up in a zoo. The tigers are rehabilitated in the forests of Chitwan. The zoo bred tiger is unable to kill fleet footed animals so goes hammer and tongs for the humans. They are an easy target for him. The humans react and go hammer and tongs for the tigers. A ding dong war ensues and the zoo bred tiger is hunted and killed. In the fight Genghise is fatally wounded in his feet. He now cannot hunt fleet footed animals. So to stay alive he reluctantly becomes a man eater.
And then the great man comes. There are rumors that a white hunter called Jim Corbett has arrived to hunt and kill the man eater. Genghise is terrified of the great white hunter. He is terrified of the latter's track record of killing man eating tigers. In fact all man eating tigers are terrified of this name. So Genghise decides to hide. He will match stealth with the white hunters stealth and cunning with the latter's cunning. He will hunt the hunter. But the great hunter is hunting him? Who will hunt whom? It's a million dollar question. Does the great hunter manage to track down and capture Genghise? Or does Genghise manage to trap the great hunter and devour him. For the answer, Read on.
Man Eating Crocodile in The Ganges
This book is the third in the 'Great White Hunter,' series. Mokameh Ghat was once Jim Corbetts territory. Situated on the banks of the Ganges, crocodiles were unknown in this part of the river. They had gone extinct sixty years ago due to excessive hunting. Till one strayed in. It was fleeing from poachers. Being an ambush hunter skilled in ambush hunting, the crocodile ambush hunts the humans living on the banks. It becomes the dreaded man eater and is credited with sixty human kills.
The Indian Government wants it hunted and killed. But who will hunt it? When crocodiles went extinct, so did crocodile hunters. There is no one to hunt and kill the man eater.
Thankfully, there are a few old hunters still alive. Among'st them Henry Phibbs is the best. The villagers living on the banks of the river have heard of him. He is an American who has settled down in India due to his love for Indian wildlife. The villagers home in on him and invite him to the hunt. But age is against Henry. On the other hand, many people will die if the crocodile is not killed. Henry accepts the challenge and goes in for the kill.
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