Saturday, 4 May 2019

Losghani/Lo-in-ni-lo: From the Deva temples south of the Ganges, that is the present day Indradamaneshwar Mahadeo temple, Huen Tsang goes south west to the Brindaban stupa. From there he goes 200 li east through the desert mountains to Lo-in-ni-lo which I have identified with Losghani village. Below is the report I gave to the Archaeological survey of India pertaining to Khakra Dih which is a 54 acre ruin under a huge mud mound.
(50) Losghani/Lo-in-ni-lo: (Si-Yu-Ki page 184 and 185) Huen Tsang goes east from this stupa through the desert mountains for 100 Li’s or 28 kilometers to the convent of Lo-in-ni-lo. I will quote the second last paragraph of page 184 of Si-Yu-Ki. Huen Tsang writes, “Going east from this we enter the desert mountains; and going 100 li or so, we come to the convent of the village of Lo-in-ni-lo. Before this is a great stupa which was built by Ashoka Raja. Here Buddha formerly preached the law for three months. To the north of this 2 or 3 li’s is a large tank about 30 li’s round.” The desert mountains are the Lakhochak and Jallappa sthan hills. The convent is in the Taal area of Losghani village. Losghani is Lo-in-ni-lo. Before the Sanghdharma is an Ashokan stupa as described by Huen Tsang. The name Losghani also tallies with Huen Tsangs Lo-in-ni-lo.  North of the stupa there was a water body around 30 Li’s or eight kilometers round. Today north of the stupa there is a low dip in the wheat fields. Previously this area was fed by a destributary of the Ganges called the Jhana river. The Bihar Government blocked the mouth of the river at Surajgarha so that it no more supplies water. This is why the water body Huen Tsang described has disappeared. The sanghdharma is huge covering an area of 45 acres which is the built up area. I suspect it is a very important Buddhist site in Bihar with the biggest built up area. The biggest in India. Excavations will reveal structures better than the present day Nalanda. It is a mud mound twenty feet high and may yield beautifully adorned buildings. The Ashokan stupa before it is majestic.

The link to the youtube video of Losghani ruins:

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