Okay America. I accept you as the undisputed world leader. You have voted Trump to power and your country is experiencing political turbulence with high ranking people resigning. Anyway, Trump is going on with the agenda for which you folks voted him to power. He is trying to stop the inflow of outside job seekers to protect American jobs. Good. You are involved in fighting in Afghanistan, fighting the ISS, and fighting different countries. And in business you are being swindled by China, Japan, and India. America, you are the greatest country in the world. But you live with too much tension, too much competition. You need to unwind yourself and your children. You need to laugh. Laughter is the best medicine of all ills. Laughter is the best medicine for frayed nerves. Come on America. Laugh with me. Take my advice. Open your mouth wide and go ha, ha, ha. And then open your mouth again and go ho, ho, ho, hoooooooooo. "WHAT, I CANT HEAR YOU." You are too stuck up with conquering the world economically. I'll help you. I've written a book in Amazon kindle that will make you laugh. Infact it will make you howl with laughter. It will make you roll on your bed holding your stomach with tears streaming from your eyes. America, that is the best therapy for you. Your children will love it. The books name is "Man Eating Tigers Of Chitwan."
Here's the link.
![Man Eating Tigers Of Chitwan by [Smith, Steven]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51IuQcpC%2BgL.jpg)
Here's the link.
![Man Eating Tigers Of Chitwan by [Smith, Steven]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51IuQcpC%2BgL.jpg)